ITC Hotels today announced the opening of Welcomhotel GST Road in Chennai, the heart of Tamil Nadu’s industrial and automobile hub. This development blends the familiar with the new- Fortune Select Grand is now Welcomhotel GST Road. Inaugurating the property, C H. Vidyasagar Rao, former Governor of Maharashtra & Tamil Nadu said, “The tourism landscape has immense potential in India as a country, and Tamilnadu, especially Chennai as the central industrial hub of the South, along with its legendary historicity and culture. Tourism is one of the biggest contributors to the city’s revenue and is poised for greater growth in 2020. I wish Welcomhotel GST Road, Chennai maximum occupancy this year and all the coming years.”
With its refreshed “Enriching Experiences” brand identity, the Welcomhotel Brand aims to further elevate guests’ experience with an emphasis on destination-inspired experiences. It brings you the warmth of ITC’s hospitality with a wide range of guest facilities and efficient service. The hotel offers memorable stays with modern in-room comforts, renowned dining outlets, a well- equipped gymnasium at the Wellness Centre, a swimming pool, spa, and ayurvedic therapies.
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WelcomCafe Crossandra, an all-day dining restaurant offers sumptuous breakfast, lunch and dinner buffets, apart from a delectable all-day dining menu, in a pleasant and cheerful ambiance, including an alfresco setting in the courtyard. The charm of any destination lies in its local flavors and Welcomhotel brand’s signature thali offering WelcomSthalika brings you the tastiest regional fare. A smorgasbord of dishes that offer a glimpse of most cherished local delicacies is a thoughtful feature.
The Poolside Dining offers a panoramic view of the city skyline. Mood lighting and lounge music create a uniquely romantic setting, making any dinner here an unforgettable experience. The varied menu here includes continental fare and tandoori cuisine, prepared in distinctive styles with modern renditions.