Home Lifestyle Ways to boost immunity Among children

Ways to boost immunity Among children


It is natural for parents to protect their children from any disease including the endless germs they are exposed to every day. As children grow up, they are exposed to various germs, especially in places such as the playground. Children with low immunity are highly prone to various types of infections. The high incidence of infections has led to increased and inappropriate use of antibiotics, which has further resulted in antimicrobial resistance. The best way to tackle this is to build strong immunity, which naturally protects your child from infections. These are ways to build a strong immunity

Healthy diet

A healthy diet comprises all fundamental components like proteins, minerals, vitamins, micronutrients and unsaturated fats in optimum quantity and helps build the immunity required to fight against various infections. Citrus fruits, carrots, green leafy vegetables, beans, strawberry, yogurt, garlic, and ginger help build immunity with their immunity-boosting properties.

Adequate Sleep

Sleep deprivation suppresses the functionality of the immune system, which makes children susceptible to infections. Adequate sleep is an absolute necessity to rejuvenate the body. Newborns need up to 18 hours of sleep a day, toddlers require 12 to 13 hours, and preschoolers need about 10 hours of sleep.


Maintaining hand hygiene before and after each meal, after playtime, handling pets, blowing the nose, using the restroom and arriving home from daycare helps prevent infections in children.

Herbal Solutions 

Despite taking proper care, children’s immunity may be affected. Consumption of herbal dietary supplements can help children stay healthier as they help build immunity. A combination of herbs may be safe and effective to antimicrobials in the management of recurrent infections. Herbs may have a role in faster recovery as it reduces the duration and cost of therapy, besides preventing reinfections.



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