On the occasion of International Women’s Day, VR Chennai hosted the grand finale of the prestigious Purple Awards 2020. After a grueling round of auditions which it all boiled down to 10 determined, gorgeous and competitive finalists who were all ready to battle it out at the finale to receive the title of ‘The Icon of VR Chennai’
Choreographed by Karun Raman, and judged by a table of experienced jurors including Sneha Nair, Chaitanya Rao, Rubeena Afroz, Karun Raman, Bony and Jackie Besterwitch. After competing over events such as food, fitness, and fashion, the women walked the ramp for three rounds for a chance to win the distinguished title. The evening was hosted by the gorgeous Sahithya Jagannathan.
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The evening saw an enthusiastic crowd cheering on their favorite contestants to glory. The closing performance by Mila and The Big Fish had everyone grooving to their tunes that went perfectly with the energetic vibe from the crowd and contestants. Lakshmi Priya was awarded the winner of the inaugural Purple Awards, while Avanthika and Muskaan were declared first and second runner ups respectively. The three ladies are now the face of the VR Chennai in all brand campaigns along with an entire year of pampering and VIP treatment.
VR Chennai, through its underlying ideal of connecting communities, brought a strong community of women together at the Purple Awards and gave them a platform to learn, grow and excel together.