Royal Challengers Bangalore lost to SunRisers Hyderabad in IPL 2020 Eliminator. Virat Kohli, RCB captain, took to social media after his loss, to share a group photograph of the team along with an emotional message. Kohli’s RCB, who were gunning for their first IPL trophy, was knocked out by SunRisers Hyderabad in Abu Dhabi. After RCB’s loss Kohli admitted that things did not go their way but he is still proud of the whole RCB squad.
“Together through the highs and lows. It’s been a great journey for us as a unit. Yes things did not go our way but proud of the whole group. Thank you to all our fans for your support. Your love makes us stronger. See you all soon. #PlayBold @royalchallengersbangalore,” Kohli captioned the picture.