The Tamil Nadu government is all set to launch a scheme named ‘Magalir Urimai Thogai Thittam’ on the 15th of September, the birth anniversary of DMK founder CN Annadurai. This scheme was a major poll promise of the DMK.
Under this scheme, Rs 1000 per month will be provided to women heads of families. Only women aged 21 and above, whose family income is below Rs 2.5 lakh per annum, whose family does not own above 5 acres of wetland or 10 acres of dry land and whose annual household electricity consumption does not exceed 3600 units are eligible under the scheme.
Women who wish to apply for financial assistance under this scheme, should apply for it at their ration shops. Chief Minister MK Stalin said that the government is expecting to receive around 1.5 crore applications for the scheme and has earmarked Rs 7000 crore in the budget towards this..