Much to our surprise Railway minister Piyush Goyal recently said that all mountain railways in India will now have vista dome coaches which will ensure that passengers enjoy the scenic view during their journey. The latest addition to vista dome coaches is the Nilgiri Mountain Railway line. These coaches are technically designed to give a panoramic view of the surrounding to passengers, while also ensuring their travelling comfort. These coaches basically are enhanced with large windows on the sides and glass panels on the roof to better visibility and experience.
This is a great move taken by the railway’s department and an order for 1000 vista dome coaches have been sent to the concerned production unit. There are a total of 4 current vistadome coaches operating in the nation today. One in Darjeeling Himalayan Railway, one in Kangra Valley Railway, two in Kalka-Shimla Railway, and one in Matheran Hill Railway. 69 more such vista dome coaches will be planned in 2019-2020 to push the number to 100. The Indian Railways are also planning to add more to passenger experience in a bid to promote tourism.