Home Lifestyle The Similarity Between Humans and Dogs

The Similarity Between Humans and Dogs


A New Study states that not only Humans but also dogs have personality and mood traits that shape up to how they react in certain situations. The study revealed that, like humans, dogs’ personalities are likely to change over time.  Lead researchers from Michigan State University in the US state that Dogs personalities can also predict many important life outcomes suggesting that canines’ personalities influence how close they feel to their owners, biting behavior and even chronic illness. When humans go through big changes in life, their personality traits can change.

We found that this also happens with dogs and to a surprisingly large degree. While older dogs are much harder to train, the right time to teach dog obedience is around the age of six when it has crossed the puppy stage, but before it is too set in its ways. Exposure to obedience classes to dogs and training were associated with more positive personality traits across the dog’s lifespan. The study, published in the Journal of Research in Personality, surveyed owners of more than 1,600 dogs, including 50 different breeds.

 The findings showed that dogs and owners share specific personality traits indicating that extroverted humans rated their dogs as more excitable and active. Owners high in negative emotions rated their dogs as more fearful, active and less responsive to training. Further, owners who rated themselves as agreeable rated their dogs as less fearful and less aggressive to people and animals.



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