The Hyderabad’s Comedy Club presents ‘The Most Offensive Comedy Show Ever!’ where performers will share a funny take on things that are generally taboo in our society. Hop aboard on this Offence Express and head straight to Laughter-Filled Destinations.
Offending this week. will be Bhavneet Singh, Anil Kumar Bandhakavi, Hriday Ranjan, Mukesh Manjunath, and Vivek Muralidharan.
Important Note: The show is meant be offensive comedy. Peoples sentiments might be hurt. Discretion is adviced.
Artists: Bhavneet Singh, Mukesh Manjunath, Hriday Ranjan, Vivek Muralidharan, Anil Kumar Bandhakavi
Where: Lamakaan, Banjara Hills, Opposite GVK One Mall, Off Road No. 1, Hyderabad
Date & Time: Fri 22 Apr, 08:00 PM