Bangalore is all set to host an experience like no other, for all you gin lovers out there – The Gin Sling, India’s first Gin festival. The Gin Sling festival is a tribute to everything gin and beyond the Gin and Juice. Indulge in the classics or try something new from Bombay Sapphire, Beef eater to Greater Than. Gin-Sling will have all of the best Gins from around the world and more. Indulge in a Ginful event as the bartenders Sling out some excellent drinks you have never seen…or have you?
There’s Gin: There’s Food; There’s a Beat, and there is a Pool! Get your swim trunks, get a towel, and make a full day out of it. Most importantly though, get your own unbreakable glass with you from home – there will be no disposable glasses.
Where: WeWork Galaxy, Residency Road, Bangalore.
When : July 21, 4 PM – July 22, 12 PM.