The audio launch of the upcoming Prithviraj Sukumaran starrer ‘Paavada’ was held in Kochi. Muzik247, the prominent music label in the Malayalam film industry is the official music partner. The event was attended by actors Prithviraj Sukumaran, Maniyanpilla Raju, Kunchan andKalabhavan Shajohn, actor-director Lal, director of the movie G Marthandan, directors Amal Neerad, Anwar Rasheed and Ranjith, music director Aby Tom Cyriac, Muzik247’s Head Of Operations Syed Zameer, writer Benny P. Nayarambalam, distributor Anto Joseph, producers Evershine Mani and M. Ranjith, Mathrubhumi Marketing Director MV Shreyams Kumar etc. along with the film crew.
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The audio launch was held in a low-key manner because of the recent Chennai flood disaster and the amount intended for celebration was donated towards the relief-fund by Maniyanpilla Raju.