Valimai is one of the most awaited South Indian movies of 2021. Directed by H Vinoth and Produced by Boney Kapoor, Valimai casts Ajith as the lead character portraying a police officer on-screen. Recently, H Vinoth shared a couple of pictures of Thala Ajith Kumar on the internet from the sets of the upcoming movie.
#Valimai ! 😊❤️
— Magizh Thirumeni (@MagizhDirector) January 20, 2021
In these pictures, Thala Ajith can be seen having gotten rid of his salt and pepper look that he usually dons. In these pictures, the actor can be seen having black to brown colour hair with a stubble of white hair. Ajith can be seen very casually dressed in these photos from Valimai’s sets.
Another one is here. 😊#Valimai
— Magizh Thirumeni (@MagizhDirector) January 20, 2021