Socialite Sneha Nair hosted a traditional feast to celebrate Onam on Wednesday for close friends from the film fraternity. The event was held at Kappa Chakka Kandhari and some of the socialites were spotted at the party including the ace celebrity fashion choreographer Karun Raman and celebrity fashion designer Chaitanya Rao.
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In an attempt to recreate Onam Sadhya, Sneha Nair threw a fabulous Onam party in style and the celebs dazzled at the event in gorgeous festive ensemble and traditional half white attire. The joyous occasion was a mixture of fun, food, and laughter and the day was nothing but full of glitz and glam. The dolled-up squad rocked the show in style.
The day was a star-studded affair and witnessed her gang of close pals who made sure to end the day with a bang. When it comes to party and bash, the glam girl knows it all.