Shruti Haasan is all set to hit the big screen with Mahesh Manjrekar’s next film Power. The actress will star opposite Vidyut Jammwal in the film The film is in post-production. After it was announced last April, we preferred to wrap up the film and then talk about it. Shooting concluded in December. The producer informed that they are eyeing to release the film by July.
While Vidyut plays the role of a gangster in the film, Shruti will play his love interest in the film. Talking about their characters, Vijay said, “But things go wrong in their life. Haasan begins to wield guns as well. While Vidyut is known for his high-octane action scenes, this time, Shruti will be seen in a new avatar and in gangster mode.”
Shruti opened up on her career and the kind of roles she would love to do. She said, “I am looking for something that I haven’t done, something that breaks perceptions, and also I have never been offered a role that is really modern and close to my actual personality, and I would love that.”