Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty’s pet dog passed away and has left the actress and her family completely heartbroken. The pet was named Princess Shetty Kundra and was with the family for almost 12 years. It was a heartbreaking moment for Shilpa and her family to bid a final goodbye to their pet. She shared her memories on her Instagram handle.
Shilpa penned an emotional note remembering Princess. She thanked it for coming into their lives and giving them some of the best memories and stated that nothing can fill the void that it left behind.
On the work front, Shilpa is a judge on the show India’s got Talent 9. She is judging the show along with Badshah and Kirron Kher. Earlier, she was one of the judges for Super Dancer 3 along with Anurag Basu and Geeta Kapur.