Home cinema Shah Rukh Khan Denied His Doctorate Award

Shah Rukh Khan Denied His Doctorate Award


Bollywood Ke Baadhah Shah Rukh Khan was supposed to receive an honorary doctorate but couldn’t receive it. As per latest reports, Delhi’s Jamia Millia Islamia University wanted to award SRK the honor to their star alumnus for his contribution towards Indian cinema and culture. But, the government has denied the request of the central university.

The Human Resource Development Ministry responded to Jamia Millia Ismalia University’s request with a written reply dated April 11, 2018, that SRK already had a similar degree from Maulana Azad National Urdu University (MANUU) which was awarded him in December 2016. So, awarding him the second honorary would not be in order.

Khan, who is a former student of Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI), had given his consent to the proposal of an honorary degree from the varsity following which a request for the same was sent to Human Resource Development (HRD) Ministry last year by Jamia for approval. The actor was a master’s student of JMI’s mass communication research center, but he could not appear for his final year exam due to the shortage of attendance.



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