Kerala based Saritha Nair, her partner Biju Radhakrishnan and Manager C.Ravi have been convicted by a trial court in Coimbatore to three years imprisonment and fine of Rs 10,000/ each. The trio were held guilty in a windmill scam case filed 10 years ago.
The accused had floated a private company named International Consultancy and Management Solutions Power and Connection at Vadavalli in Coimbatore. They allegedly collected a sum of RS 26 lakhs from an industrialist in Coimbatore in 2009 in order to install windmills but didn’t do the needful. Similarly, they cheated many others in the same way. Cases were registered against them by the District Crime Branch under the grounds of criminal conspiracy and cheating. The court after trial held all the three guilty and sentenced them to three years imprisonment. The accused are filing an appeal before the Coimbatore district court challenging the order of the trial court.