Home Lifestyle RAW Pressery’s Beauty Cleanse

RAW Pressery’s Beauty Cleanse


Here is how you can get a thorough beauty cleanse for New Year’s.


8 AM- Begin your day with a booster shot to rev up your metabolism. HEAL our turmeric & coconut milk booster, packed with cayenne pepper shoots up metabolism, causing the body to produce extra heat and burn more calories for fuel.

o   9 AM – A favourite among green juice lovers, TRIM fills you up with essential greens and soluble fiber, great for weight loss.

o   11:30 AM – Kiss goodbye to ageing with the anti-oxidant enriched berry smoothie LIFE. The strawberries and blueberries make for a pink start to the day!

o   2 PM – Toxins must be flushed and we have a juice that does exactly that. Let your liver take a break from all the hardwork by sipping on some FLUSH.

o   4:30 PM – New juice alert! Intro-juicing cold pressed black magic. It’s a magical potion called DETOX that purges toxins from processed food and environmental pollution.

o   7 PM – The largest organ in your body, skin needs all the love and care. Nourishment essentials can be found in our bottle of GLOW.

o   9:30 PM – Keep Calm and let the juice do the talking! Let the matcha soothe your system and get you ready for a good night’s sleep. Sip LIGHT, Sleep tight!

The Beauty Cleanse is available at a price of 3000 INR and can be ordered through the RAW Pressery website. The cleanse will be available across Mumbai, Pune, Delhi, Gurgaon, Bangalore, Hyderabad and Chandigarh.




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