Rajinikanth’s Annaatthe shoot has been in stop-start mode since it began. The film’s shoot was shelved earlier after few members of the crew tested positive for Covid 19 when shooting in Hyderabad. The latest is that Rajinikanth and Nayanthara have begun shooting for the film in Gokulam studios in Chennai. According to reports, the duo will shoot for few days in the studio. However, there has been no official confirmation from the production house. In the past, the Annaatthe shoot was delayed due to lockdown and due to Rajinikanth’s health issues and the risk involved in shooting during the pandemic. The film is directed by Siva. The film has Keerthy Suresh, Meena, Khushbu, Prakash Raj, Sathish playing important roles. Imman has scored music for the film.