Radha Vembu Co-founder of Zoho Corporation is the richest woman in Tamil Nadu with a wealth of over Rs 129 thousand crores. She is the third richest woman in the country after Nykaa’s Falguni Nayar and Biocon’s Kiran Majumdar Shaw.
Radha Vembu is 51 years old. She was born in the year 1972 to stenographer in the Madras High Court. She studied industrial management at the Indian Institute of Technology. Radha founded Zoho Corporation in 1996 along with her brothers Sridhar Vembu and Sekar Vembu. The original name for the company was AdvenNet and was renamed Zoho Corporation later on.
Radha Vembu is the product manager for email services and heads a team of 250 people. Besides this, she is also a director of the Corpus Foundation which has its headquarters in Austin, Texas.
She did her schooling in National Higher Secondary School in Chennai, is married and has one child. She lives in Chennai and keeps away from the limelight.