Kannada actor Puneeth Rajkumar passed away due to a fatal cardiac arrest. He was reportedly working out in his gym when he collapsed suddenly and was rushed to a hospital immediately. Puneeth was later admitted to Vikram Hospital and was receiving treatment in the intensive care unit until the devastating news came forth. He was 46 years old.
The news has shaken the entire film fraternity with many of Puneeth Rajkumar’s peers and closed ones reaching the hospital premises. Popularly known as the Powerstar, Puneeth Rajkumar was an incredibly beloved actor and film producer.
OMG!!!!!!!! Nooooooo. This can’t be true! How can this be? My deepest condolences to the family. May your soul rest in eternal peace. Gone too soon 💔 #PuneethRajkumar
— Manchu Lakshmi Prasanna (@LakshmiManchu) October 29, 2021