Priyanka Chopra has launched an Indian restaurant named Sona in New York. She shared glimpses of it on Instagram. She also shared pictures from the puja ceremony with her husband Nick Jonas. Priyanka has been creatively involved in this project and has poured her love for Indian food into it. Sona is the embodiment of timeless India and the flavours she grew up with. This restaurant is headed by Chef Harinayak who has immense talent and who has created the most delicious and innovative menu. It will be opening later this month. Her friends Maneesh Goyal, David Rabin and designer Melissa Bowers together with the rest of the team are responsible for this endeavour.
There were pujas held way back in September 2019 to bless the space that would turn into the restaurant.
On the work front, Priyanka is busy with Citadel, an action packed spy series. It features Richard Madden. This project is backed by Amazon and helmed by Russo Brothers of Avengers fame. The Indian version of this will be developed by Raj Nidimoru and Krishna DK. The makers described Citadel as a “multi-layered global franchise with interconnected local language productions from India, Mexico and Italy.