Recently Disney+ Hotstar released Netrikann’s trailer and announced the film’s release date. The film will release on August 13 in four languages including Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, and Malayalam. Netrikann marks Vignesh Shivan’s debut as a producer under his banner Rowdy Pictures. Earlier, the makers of Netrikann announced that the film’s streaming rights have been sold to Diney+ Hotstar. The mystery thriller was slated to release in theatres. However, due to the second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic, the makers decided to skip a theatrical release.
இருக்கும் கண்கள் மூடினால், மூன்றாவது கண் திறக்கும்! இது நயன்தாராவின் சுட்டெரிக்கும் #Netrikann Streaming from August 13th in Tamil, Telugu, Kannada and Malayalam.
Watch it Now :- #DisneyPlusHotStarMultiplex #Nayanthara @VigneshShivN
— Disney+ Hotstar (@DisneyPlusHS) July 29, 2021