The music launch event of ‘Kanal’ had taken place on Thursday in Kochi at Hotel Travancore Court. Director Joshiy and Director Kamal graced the function as special guests. Kanal’s director M. Padmakumar, actors Anoop Menon and Honey Rose, cinematographer Vinod Illampally, music composers Ouseppachanand Vinu Thomas, lyricist Madhu Vasudev and Muzik247’s Head of Operations Syed Zameer were also present with Mohanlal to launch the music. Vocalists Sudeep Kumar, Vaikom Vijayalakshmi and Ustad Faiz Khan enriched the occasion by singing their songs from the movie.
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Directed by M.Padmakumar and scripted by Suresh Babu, ‘Kanal’ features Mohanlal, Anoop Menon, Atul Kulkarni and Pratap Pothan in main roles withHoney Rose and Nikita Thukral in female lead. The film is produced by Abraham Mathew under the banner of Abaam Movies in association with Aashirvad Cinemas and distributed by Maxlab.