The net worth of Mukesh Ambani, the Chairman of Reliance Industries Limited has jumped to $64.5 billion making him a part of the exclusive club of world’s richest people. The index prepared by Bloomberg Billionaires Index shows Ambani in the 9th spot and the only Asian tycoon to be part of the exclusive club.
Ambani has overtaken Larry Ellison of Oracle and French woman Bettencourt Meyers (wealthiest woman) to reach spot No 9. Ambani owns 42% of Reliance Industries and the rates of shares have doubled from a low in March. The companies of Ambani especially telecom giant Jio have prospered and led to the substantial increase in his personal wealth. The 63 year old lives in a 27 storey mansion in Mumbai called ‘Antilia’. It has 3 rooftop helipads, 168 slots for parking cars, a 50 seat movie theatre, a grand ballroom, a yoga studio, a health spa and fitness centre and 3 floors of Babylon inspired hanging gardens.