As part of the Go Green Initiative by FICCI Flo Bangalore, the entire team comprising its committee members, led by Chairperson, Shruti Mittal and Sr Vice Chairperson Flo Bangalore Jyotika Kapoor were on a Seed Ball Disperson mission to spread awareness for a greener Bangalore. They distributed handmade moringa seed balls to everyone, in and around Cubbon Park and were joined by Guests of Honour, Tejasvi Surya – Member of Parliament from Bangalore South, Grammy Award Winner – Ricky Kej, singer and actor Vasundhara Das, Mrs Global International Classic and founder Sahaya Hastha Trust, Roopa Mouli, Classic Mrs India 2018 Kajol Bhatia and child prodigy Yathaarth Murthy. The Moringa Seed Bombing is an eco-conscious initiative by FICCI Flo and these seed balls were made by 800 school children and distributed to cyclists, runners, walking groups and public at Cubbon Park.