The complete actor Mohanlal is all set to take the directorial plunge with the upcoming 3D film “Barroz – Guardian of D’Gama’s Treasure” after four decades of acting.
Calling it the beginning of a new journey in his career, he said that it will be a film shot in 3D and liked by children and adults alike. It’s a story set in Portugal.
Explaining how the idea of him directing a film took shape, he said that a meeting with Jijo Punnoose, the director of India’s fantasy 3D Film “My Dear Kuttichathan”, made it possible. The “Drishyam” actor further wrote that the film will be shot in Goa and will feature many international actors. The rest of the cast and crew is yet to be finalized.
My Latest Blog : “A New Journey Begins – Barroz Guardian Of D’ Gama’s Treasure”
— Mohanlal (@Mohanlal) April 21, 2019