Drishyam 2 is a sequel to the 2013 family thriller and now the film is currently being shot in Kerala. Sharing a picture with his co-stars Meena, Ansiba, and Esther Anil and the film’s director Jeethu Joseph, Mohanlal took to social media and wrote, “George Kutty and family.”
Drishyam was a suspense thriller directed by Nishikant Kamat who died at the age of 50 in August, this year. It showcased the struggles of George Kutty (Mohanlal), who is on the hit list of the police after his daughter accidentally kills the villainous son of a cop. Drishyam has been remade in several other languages, including a Tamil version titled Papanasam which featured Kamal Haasan, Gautami, and Nivetha Thomas.