The popular web series Modi: Journey Of A Common Man, the web series on Prime Minister Narendra Modi is live again, a month after the Election Commission banned its streaming. Directed by Umesh Shukla, the web series was launched just days ahead of the polls and was playing on even though the EC had stopped the release of Bollywood biopic PM Narendra Modi from releasing on April 11 when the seven-phase polls began.
Five episodes, which were launched earlier, were made available again on OTT platform Eros Now. The remaining five are yet to be out. Shukla, the director of the web series, had earlier said the release of the show was not planned in a way to coincide with the elections. The trajectory of the web series and the film PM Narendra Modi is similar as they trace Modi’s journey from his humble beginnings to become the Prime Minister.
Written by Mihir Bhuta and Radhika Anand and based on Kishor Makwana’s Modi: Common Man’s PM, the show stars Faisal Khan, Ashish Sharma and Mahesh Thakur depicting different phases of Modi’s life. Meanwhile, BJP-sponsored channel NaMo TV went off the air on May 17 soon after the conclusion of campaigning across the country.