Krystyna Pyszkova from the Czech Republic has been crowned Miss World 2024 at a glittering ceremony that took place in Mumbai on Saturday, March 9th. There were a series of events, talent, public speaking etc and the top 4 were selected.
Krystyna is a 23 year old law student and model. She spoke on removing the stigma and shame surrounding menstruation and said that being a woman is a gift and periods should not be a taboo subject.
The runners up were Yasmina Zeytoun of Lebanon, Ache Abrahams from Trinidad and Tobago and Lesego Chombo from Botswana.
Krystyna replaces the outgoing Miss World Karolina Bielawaka of Poland who won the crown in March 2022. 112 women participated in the contest from all over the globe.