Radio Mirchi celebrates the poetic opulence of three iconic Sufi legends on 4th June in Mumbai at the Mirchi Roohani Music Festival. The line-up of artists promises to make this one of the most exclusive musical offerings in the city. The festival features the Wadali Brothers, Rekha Bhardwaj and Harshdeep Kaur and promises to be one of the most special live music experiences for Mumbai. Come on 4th June to experience music that touches your soul @MMRDA, BKC, Mumbai.
Artists: Wadali Brothers, Rekha Bhardwaj, Harshdeep Kaur
Where: MMRDA Grounds, Plot 18 Opp. Bharat Diamond Market MMRDA BKC, Bandra (E), Mumbai
Date & Time: Sat 04 Jun, 06:00 PM