Home Events & Parties chennai Masterclass by renowned interior designer Nancy Satish on 20th July at Home...

Masterclass by renowned interior designer Nancy Satish on 20th July at Home Centre, Express Avenue

Renowned interior designer Nancy Satish will conduct a masterclass in Interior designing at Home Centre, Express Avenue, on 20th July. Suitable for home owners, design nuts, students and property developers, the day will take participants through the design process involved and help expand their ability to create inspirational decor schemes.

About Nancy Sathish:
Nancy Satish’s experience has been multidisciplinary. She has spent almost two decades in activities ranging from being a Content director in a Software company to being an Interior Designer, an entrepreneur and a philantrophist towards educating the girl child.

Over the years Mrs. Satish has refined and fine-tuned her skills in interior design with a great ‘eye’ for the fine art of living and lifestyle. She has a team of designers based in Chennai in her company Designworks, alongside her architect husband and partner, Satish.

Nancy’s eye for detail is second only to her obsession with quality and refinement of the aesthetics, finish, material and final output. Her expertise also extends to lighting, painting, furniture, etc. She believes in partnering with clients to get the best possible results together and special skill set of curating a structure or a site into a Home

Nancy is always exploring new possibilities and expressions. She plays multiple roles of a mother, business woman, Superchef Chennai 2013 runner up, Sishya PTA President and an interior designer.

For more details, call 9003031214
Date: 20th July (Friday)
Time: 11 am
Venue: Home Centre,
3rd Floor, Express Avenue



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