National Consumer Rights Organization president Naveen Sharma said that they were taking steps to bring awareness on the rights of consumers by travelling across India. Mahender Agarwal was appointed as incharge of corporate wing of Telangana State of the consumer rights organisation at a meeting organised at Ramada Manohar, Begumpet. Apart from Agarwal, B.Kishore was taken in the state committee, Srinivas was made Greater Hyderabad representative and their appointment orders were handed over to them.
Speaking at the occasion, national vice president Naveen Sharma said that consumers were being cheated in different ways and every where. People are cheated even in temples and hospitals. He said that their organisation is was taking steps to bring awareness to overcome these types of cheating.
The organisation was started in the leadership of D P Sharma in 2015, said and added that the organisation was celebrating Consumers Day on December 24 every year.
He said that as part of India wise campaign corporate wing of Telangana was also formed. He said that he would travel India wide for the next 25 days making them aware of their rights and explaining them how to overcome cheating. National corporate wing incharge Sandeep Bansal, state president Jaipal, Shyam Gopal Das, KK Gupta and others were also present.