As part of showcasing Kerala’s famed snake-boat race in the backwaters in six districts across the state, the Kerala government has decided to form a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) to conduct the IPL-model Champions Boat League (CBL) as an annual event in August-November, state Tourism Minister Kadakampally Surendran. The inaugural edition of the Champions’ Boat League (CBL) will get under way with the Nehru Trophy Boat Race on August 10 at Punnamada Lake in Alappuzha.
The competitions in the CBL will start a week later at Pulinkunnu (August 17). In subsequent Saturdays, races will be conducted at Thazhathangadi (August 24), Piravam (August 31), Marine Drive (September 7), Kottappuram (September 14), Ponnani (September 21), Kainakari (September 28), Karuvatta (October 5), Kayamkulam (October 12) and Kallada (October 19), before concluding in a grand finale at the President’s Trophy Boat Race at Kollam on November 1.