IPL 2020 players’ auction happened in Kolkata recently. In a fierce competition between eight franchises, fighting it out, to put together the best teams possible, the Australians emerged as the most dominant lot.
According to the Times Of India, Out of a total of 338 players who went under the hammer, 62 were sold at the auction table. The eight franchises together spent Rs 140.3 crore with Australian cricketers attracting the big bids. On the list of five most expensive players at the auction, three were Australians. Here’s the list of the top five buys at the 2020 IPL auction.
- Pat Cummins (Bought by KKR for Rs 15.50 Crore)
- Glenn Maxwell (Bought by Kings XI Punjab for Rs 10.75 Crore)
- Chris Morris (Bought by RCB for Rs 10 Crore)
- Sheldon Cottrell (Bought by Kings Xi Punjab for Rs 8.5 Crore)
- Nathan Coulter-Nile (Bought by Mumbai Indians for Rs 8 Crore)