PVP Cinema, the producers of ‘Inji Iduppazhagi’ has officially announced the release date of the film as the 27th of November. Both ‘Inji Iduppazhagi’ and its Telugu version ‘Size Zero’ will be released across 1500 all over the world. The film starring Arya and Anushka Shetty, Sonal Chauhan, Prakash Raj, Urvashi, Bharat and others has been directed by Prakash Kovelamudi, ‘Inji Iduppazhagi’s technical crew comprises Kanika Dhillon Kovelamudifor script, Maragathamani for music, Nirav Shah handling the camera, dialogues by RS Prasanna, lyrics byMadhan Karky, editing by Pravin Pudi, art by Anand Sai and costumes by Prashanti.