Home Fashion India shirt market- high growth in womens segment

India shirt market- high growth in womens segment


According to a Coffee table book Shirtopedia, India’s shirt market so far led by men is set to be a part of women’s wardrobe with the latter growing at a compounded growth rate of 11 percent compared to 5 percent for men. So far, men constitute 82 percent of the shirt market in India followed by kids at 12 percent and remaining by women’s shirts market.

Shirts, which were earlier pre-dominantly owned by men are now witnessing huge demand from women as well. Increasing participation of women in the workforce and their change in demand and preferences are key factors driving demand for shirts among women.

Change in women’s taste and preference has already resulted in creating demand for both formal and casual shirts in metro and Tier-I cities, which is expected to see further in the non-metros. In the denim market segment, shirts are becoming a popular category among the youth but hold 1 percent of the total market size at Rs 448 crore.



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