It’s unlikely that you will miss bumping into a top bureaucrat, film star or political leader at his plush AB Dental Clinic off Rutland Gate in Chennai. Despite the ‘Who’s Who’ of the city and folks from across the globe in his list of patients, Dr.Asif Baig is down to earth, almost self effacing, with his heart in the right place.
Dentists making house calls may be uncommon. But when Dr.Asif received an emergency call to check on an octogenarian with special needs at a facility in the city, he unhesitatingly made a dash in peak hour traffic to examine the patient.
Post a short course of antibiotics, the debonair dentist with 27 years of experience, who cut his teeth in Advanced Implantology at the Michigan State University, made a second visit to extract a decayed tooth. ‘Brace’ yourself for another surprise – the visits and treatment were completely pro bono, as a special case.
Underplaying his gesture that clearly went beyond the call of duty, Dr.Asif, to crown it all, told the emotional and grateful family that the patient is “like my own father.” ‘Tooth’ be told, that’s ‘scaling’ a new professional boundary!