Two vaccines for Covid 19 by Pune based Serum Institute named Covishield and Bharat Biotech”s Covaxin have received emergency approval from the country’s drug regulator. Delhi Health Minister Satyender Jain has stated that healthcare and frontline workers will receive the vaccine in the first phase. According to him, there are three lakh healthcare workers and six lakh frontline workers in Delhi and that they will receive the vaccine for free. He further stated that the Delhi government was making all the necessary arrangements for the vaccination drive.
Union Minister Dr. Harsh Vardhan said that free vaccine would be provided to all healthcare workers and frontline workers across the country. The Drugs Controller General of India approved the Covid 19 vaccines of Oxford – AstraZeneca manufactured by the Serum Institute and Bharat Biotech. The vaccine would be administered in two dosages each. A trial was conducted on 23,745 participants and the overall efficiency was found to be over 70%. The approval by the drug regulator was given on the basis of the recommendations submitted by a coronavirus subject expert committee of the Central Drugs Standard Control Organisation.