Home Events & Parties chennai G3 Duathlon 2016

G3 Duathlon 2016


G3 Duathlon is a one of its kind event conceived by G3 to inspire and popularize sports for all.G3 Duathlon powered by WCCG is a fundraising initiative for “AIM FOR SEVA”.  G3 Duathlon will be conducted on 7th August, 2016, and its proceeds will be donated to “Aim for Seva”, founded by Swami Dayananda Saraswati. AIM FOR SEVA has 102 chatralayas which are located all over India. 40,000 children of rural india are benefitted by this program.

G3 Duathlon 2016
G3 is the first all-women’s cycling group in India, founded by Mrs. Gayathre Rajam, a tri-athlete, yoga teacher and crossfit trainer. This is a fun and exploration oriented group, which blends various entertaining ways to help its members keep fit.  As a first of its kind Duathlon series, G3 is proud to present this partner event.

G3 Duathlon Format: 

Team: Team should consist of a male and a female, above age 16. One member will run, and the other will cycle. This will be conducted in relay format.

Full duathlon – 10 km running + 40 km cycling.

Half duathlon – 5 km running  + 20km cycling.

4 Categories:

Men’s team / women’s team / mixed team / individual.

Prizes for winners and runners up.

Starting and ending at Decathlon OMR

Date: Sunday, August 7th, 2016

Time: 5:00 AM
Venue: Decathlon OMR, 458 and 459, Padur Village, Chengelpet Thaluk District, Near Hindustan University, Chennai

Registration: Eventjini.com




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