Fall in love, again!
We flirt and we date and we make time to fall in love all over again.
Get experimental
Kinky things such as shift in power of who is dominant, threesomes, and sharing of each other with other people while the other one watches.
Play dress up
Sometimes little things like flirting with each other or getting dressed up can do the trick. And most of the time, your clothes don’t even have to be fancy.
Keep the fire burning
Don’t rush to be so together! Keep your separate lives and when you do come together, do so with excitement and passion. Send flirty, romantic and dirty messages. Tease the hell out of each other.
Plan things with them
Make a bucket list together and randomly draw and activity from the list out of a hat. Plan the adventure, do it and repeat.
Always on your mind
Pull over in a quiet sport for a quickie in the car. Pull them into the shower with you. Let them know they are irresistible all the time.
First love
Treat her like she really was the first person I ever fell in love with.