The Forum Mall Koramangala will come alive today evening with Ghazal maestro Pankaj Udhas. Ghazal enthusiasts get ready for the time of your life as India’s legendary Ghazal artist Padmashree Pankaj Udhas is performing live at the Forum Mall Koramangala. Padmashree Pankaj Udhas hits include – Chithi aayi hai, Na Kajare ki dhaar, Jeeye to jeeye kaise, Chand jaisa rang hai tera, Ahista etc. Padmashree Pankaj Udhas hails from Gujarat and has spent nearly four decades of his life in performing and perfecting his love for Ghazals.
When: September 10 2017, 7 pm onwards
Where: The Forum mall Koramangala, Bengaluru.