Sagar Bhalerao a 15 year old lad wanted to attend the annual fair in his village in 2014.As his board exams were fast approaching, his parents warned him that if he did not study, he would be sent to the village for good. A frustrated Sagar ran away from home due to this and remained missing for three years. His family lodged an FIR.
During this period, Sagar worked as a waiter to support himself. Even though he missed his family, he was afraid to go back as he was scared as to how they would react on seeing him.It was then that he joined social media- Facebook and WhatsApp and sent friend requests to his cousin under a fake name. His cousin realised that something was fishy and eventually found out that it was Sagar and contacted his parents who traced him from the mobile SIM number. He is now happily reunited with his family thanks to Facebook and WhatsApp.