Dhanush, who was recently seen in Karnan, took us back to 2003, the year when his movie Kaadhal Kondein was released. Kaadhal Kondein was Dhanush’s breakthrough in the Tamil film industry. Dhanush shared a set of throwback pictures of himself on Instagram as he remembered his critically-acclaimed role in the 2003 film. In the pictures, Dhanush looks unrecognizable as Vinod, a character he played in the movie. His buzz-cut hairstyle, clean-shaven look, and intense eyes are a treat to look at. Dhanush also wrote a note along with the pictures. He wrote, “The very first few pics that we shot for Kaadhal Kondein. Where it all started. Shot by cameraman Aravind Krishna and Directed by Selvaraghavan. #vinodh #divya.”