‘Chiyaan’ Vikram made his debut in the 1990 film ‘En Kadhal Kanmani’, which had released on 17th October, 1990, exactly 25 years ago. Since then he has acted in various Tamil, Malayalam and Telugu films including blockbusters like ‘Sethu’, ‘Dhill’, ‘Gemini’, ‘Dhool’, ‘Saamy’, ‘Pithamagan’, ‘Anniyan’, ‘Kanthaswamy’ and this year’s biggest hit Shankar’s ‘I’. He will complete his 25th year in a grand way with the release of one of the most anticipated films of the year on 21st October– ’10 Endrathukulla’. Here’s wishing Chiyaan many more successful years in cinema with more blockbuster films. ‘Chiyaan’ Vikram has won six Filmfare Awards as well as one National Film Award and Tamil Nadu State Film Award amongst other recognitions.