Best selling author Chetan Bhagat has announced his new book. This is the first time the author will dive into non-fiction and his next book will be titled ”India Positive”. The Books chapters comprise a gamut of subjects such as education, employment, Goods and Services Tax (GST), corruption and casteism. Published by Westland Publications, Bhagat’s latest English title will be released in May. The new book also consists of tweets that highlight and touch upon the current issues that need focus today. During the promotion of two states, the author was asked if the political parties in the country impact the life of an ordinary citizen.
Whether it’s a majority or a coalition. Bhagat also argued that if the country was to shine, we needed to stand up and be “India Positive Citizens.”In a world ridden with negativity, these simply written, perceptive and solution-driven essays are a must-read for anyone invested in the present and future of India. The author’s last book, “The Girl in Room 105”, was released in 2018. It was also announced in a Facebook LIVE on Bhagat’s official page.
Sharing his viewpoints on “India Positive”, Bhagat has stated that he believes the country has more good things than bad. He wanted to focus on what is more important, i.e., capturing the diminishing interest of the youth in politics by attempting to provide a simple take on the political issues and arguments in the country. This book covers each and everything that has happened in the past year, be it employment, corruption or the systems of the economy. The aim is, by reading this book, one will never be ill-informed about India’s issues. He also shared the book’s cover on social media, which shows a group of smiling children with the tricolor. “India Positive” can be pre-ordered online from Amazon.
Here is a look at the cover