Mantri Square witnessed the title launch of Century Star Shiva Rajkumar’s upcoming movie ‘SRK’ amidst much fanfare this Kannada Rajyothsava. The actor himself, unveiled the motion poster for the film that has his nephew, Lakki Gopal making his Directorial debut. The glamorous launch had present members of the actor’s family as well as other illustrious names of the Kannada Film Industry. The much-awaited movie will see Sandalwood’s Hat- Trick hero in three different interesting lead character roles.
Sandalwood royalty graced the event with family members of Nata Saarvabhouma Dr. Rajkumar including sons Raghavendra Rajkumar and Puneet Rajkumar and grandson Vinay Rajkumar. At this star-studded event, the actor revealed that in addition to him playing three different avatars, the plot is expected to carry a social message too. Interestingly, the title ‘SRK’ has reference to Shiva Rajkumar’s name as SRK of the Kannada Industry – a name given by his fans and has already created quite a frenzy.
Speaking on the occasion, Nitin Bir, Mall Head, Mantri Square said, “We are thrilled to host the prestigious launch of Century Star Shiva Rajkumar’s upcoming movie SRK. Being present in Malleshwaram, we have always upheld the local culture and it only seemed apt to extend our hand to felicitate the first family of Sandalwood industry, providing a platform for fans to interact with their beloved stars.”