Celebrating the launch of their 500th salon in Mumbai, Naturals conducted the ‘Mothers Of India’ Awards where celebrity mothers were honoured. Music maestro AR Rahman’s mother was among the distinguished personalities who was honoured at the occasion. Other celebrity mothers who were honoured at the event included mothers of Cricketer – Sachin Tendulkar, Shooter – Abhinav Bindra, Bharatanatyam Dancer – Alarmel Valli, Carnatic Musician – Bombay Jayasree, Author – Chetan Bhagat, Cricketer – Yuvraj Singh, Tennis Player – Sania Mirza, Playback Singer – Shankar Mahadevan, Entrepreneur – Gaurav Marya and Playback Singer – Chinmayi Sripada amongst many more. ‘Mothers of India 2015′ award endeavours to recognize, appreciate, applaud, salute, felicitate, honor & celebrate the distinguished mothers of the remarkable achievers — the ‘Gems of India’, who have contributed to the pride of our country.