Dr Avani Rao Gandra of IconArt Gallery has always been promoting art in every way possible. Her latest exhibition titled Buy Art, the small format art show has 30 participating artists. The artworks are small but cover a range of styles of painting from abstract to figurative to landscapes. Some of the well known artists from Hyderabad that are participating include Srikanth Dhunde, Srinivas Reddy B, Aekka Yadgiri, Konda Srinivas, Jinson Joseph, Sridhar Rao, Dinesh Pimple, Vijay Belde and Nageshwar Rao among others.
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There are over 100 artworks to choose from and are reasonably priced. The show is on till the 15th of May.
IconArt Gallery,
Road No 12, SBI Building
Banjara Hills, Hyderabad 34.
Timings: From 11.30 am to 7 pm
Website : www.iconart.in
Tel: 9849968797