Bollywood actress Bipasha Basu and her husband Karan Singh Grover are expecting their first child shortly. Bipasha announced her pregnancy on Instagram and said that two will now become three. She thanked everyone for their unconditional love, prayers and good wishes.
Bipasha and Karan Singh Grover met during the shooting of the 2015 film Alone. They got married according to Bengali traditions in 2016 and hosted a reception for their industry friends. The couple co-starred in the web series ”Dangerous”.
Karan Singh Grover is a popular TV star who has starred in many TV shows like Dill Mill Gayye, Qubool Hai, Kitni Mast Hai Zindagi and Dil Dosti Dance.
According to reports, Bipasha is in her third month of pregnancy and the baby is due by the end of this year.