Just today, it was announced that Sushant Singh Rajput and Sanjana Sanghi’s upcoming film is titled as Dil Bechara instead of Kizie Aur Manny. The movie will be directed by Mukesh Chabbra who was on the sidelines due to the #MeToo allegations against him. The casting director has been cleared off all the allegations against him by the production house and has hence resumed his work.
Dil Bechara is the Hindi remake of the 2014 Hollywood blockbuster, The Fault In Our Stars. According to latest reports, Saif Ali Khan has been roped in to play the role of the obnoxious author Peter Van Houten.
Actor Willaim Dafoe portrayed the role in the original. The director said that they had a schedule in Paris and shot there for a week. Saif only accompanied them for a few days and got along with the rest of the cast pretty well. The movie is under the Fox Star Studios banner and will have A R Rahman as the music composer. A lot of people are rooting for the movie and hoping that the Indian remake will be able to do justice to the original script. Although, our hearts are already breaking imagining Sushant as Augustus Waters. With the shooting schedule completed, the film is in its post-production stage and will hit theatres this year.